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Henrici Estate

The comprehensive expansion of Esterházy Betriebe GmbH’s administrative building in Eisenstadt was kicked off in 2004. In the scope of renovation, the building designed by architect Johann
Henrici at the end of the 18th century and currently classified as a historical monument had to be remodeled into a modern office building. This included the refurbishment and redesign of the
courtyard. By using contrasting materials and shapes, 3:0 Landschaftsarchitektur was also able to create additional accents. Now, a flexed monolithic concrete ramp adds a more evocative dimension
to the historical ensemble.


Function: Außengestaltung Firmenzentrale Peneder Basis
Address: Atzbach, Oberösterreich
Auftraggeber: Peneder Holding
Gebäudeplanung: LP Architektur / Tom Lechner
Planungsbeginn: 2009
Fertigstellung: 2010
Projektfläche Gestaltungszone: 6.000 m2
Nettobaukosten Außenraum: rund 350.000 Euro


Mitarbeit: Ulrike Bruns, Nicole Raker

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Fotos Rupert Steiner